Blockchain made simple with Omnibasis
Businesses use omniChain to build and run Blockchain applications across multiple industries and connected devices.
Accelerate your business performance and power the Smart Economy with omniChain
omniChain is Omnibasis's Blockchain as a service (BaaS) that enables businesses and professionals, large and small, to launch a full featured Blockchain application. Using omniChain, we enable businesses with the intuitive technology and tools to deploy a cloud-based Blockchain application with rich feature sets that includes assets definition and management, smart contracts and transactions management, and shared data ledger without the costs and challenges associated with building and maintaining their own infrastructure.
Intuitive Tools
Simple to use tools to define your blockchain assets and smart contracts rules get you up and running in minutes.
Distributed Ledger
At the heart of a blockchain network is a distributed ledger that records all the transactions that take place on the network. omniChain supports a number of Blockchain databases. Use hosted Blockchain or connect to your own.
Design your own private network with custom assets, transactions, permissions and transparency.
Transaction Consensus
Transactions are written to the ledger in the order in which they occur with consensus reached using the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm
Greater Transparency
All network participants share the same transaction history as opposed to individual copies.
Enhanced Security
Transactions must be agreed upon before they are recorded by all participants and cannot be modified.
Improved Traceability
All assets exchanges are recorded on the blockchain thus generating an audit trail where an asset came from and every stop it made on its journey.
Increased Efficiency and Speed
Record-keeping is performed using a single digital ledger that is shared among participants.
Test drive omniChain FREE today.