Businesses use omniBooks to manage and track financial transactions all in a single place.

Grow and track your business with omniBooks

omniBooks is Omnibasis's enterprise software as a service that enables businesses and professionals, large and small, to manage full featured business ledger. Using omniBooks, we enable businesses with the technology and tools to deploy cloud-based business accounting application with rich feature set that includes multiple currencies, external and internal accounts management, and transaction management without the costs and challenges associated with building and maintaining their own infrastructure.

Establish Business Ledger

Your business ledger may support multiple currencies, external and internal accounts.

Manage Transactions

 Set transaction fees, limits and notification preferences. Process debits and credits, and your transaction types between customer accounts and/or external financial institutions.

Track User Accounts

User on-boarding and self-management features to track balances, transactions, transfers and manage payouts. Integrated with omniLoyalty rewards and earnings.

Insights and Analytics

Dashboard and detailed reporting on your business financial health and status across all the currencies and accounts.


Established Infrastructure

Out of the box backend as a service for most fintech use cases, so you can focus on growing your business.

Simplified Management

Manage all transactions in a single place. Add users, move money, track transfers integrated into your business flow.


It's more cost-effective for your business to turn to omniBooks vs. build your own.

Integrated Platform

Your loyal customers and data in one place, integrated and flowing seamlessly together, from purchase to reward to redemption.

Test drive omniBooks FREE today.