omniLoyalty is Omnibasis's enterprise software as a service that enables businesses and professionals, large and small, to manage a full featured customer loyalty program. Using omniLoyalty, we enable businesses with the technology and tools to deploy a cloud-based loyalty and rewards program with a rich feature set that includes loyalty cards, award rules, rewards and badges, and transaction management without the costs and challenges associated with building and maintaining their own infrastructure.

Loyalty Program

You can have one or several loyalty programs on Omnibasis. For example, frequent purchasers or loyal customers. There are no limits. Pick a great name and setup your loyalty Program details. Get people excited about your customer loyalty program with a great name.

Loyalty Levels

Program loyalty levels helps you to setup user target goals and rewards associated with reaching those goals. Examples of levels are Bronze, Silver and Gold. 

Loyalty Badges

Loyalty badges showcase your customer's loyalty. Create and manage loyalty badges and assign them to rewards.

Earning Rules

Use earning rewards rules to define how users earn points. Your customer can earn points based on transactions and/or behavior.

Redemption Rules

Redemption rules for your loyal members.  Provide a great variety of redeeming rewards. omniLoyalty offers both currency or point based reward system. You can make your rewards valuable in many different ways.

Loyalty Cards

Loyalty cards can be a digital or a physical card that you distribute to your customers. Each user has only one loyalty card with a specific program. 

Loyalty Transactions

Use loyalty transactions to track user spending. User can spend currency or points and earn some too.

Loyalty Transfers

Use loyalty earning transfers to deposit or withdraw loyalty points or currency. Some transfers might be generated automatically when loyalty transaction is created.


Make it a game, by loyalty program you can track and see loyalty cards member rankings.