A shipping zone is a group of countries or regions that have the same shipping rates. For example, if your business has a warehouse in United States that ships to anywhere in Northern American for the same flat rate, then you can create a shipping zone that includes all the Northern American countries and charge that same shipping fee to all your Northern American customers.

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Shipping \ Shipping Zones to the list of the shipping zones.

Create or Edit Shipping Zone

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Shipping \ Shipping Zones and click Create to add new shipping zone.

  1. Give it a descriptive name, in the example below, we identified United States as one of the shipping zones.
  2. Leave it empty to include the rest of the world. Click Pick to add a country to your shipping zone. If you know two letter ISO code for the country, you can enter it directly  by typing and clicking enter key.
  3. Click Save to to save shipping zone.