You can submit collection content on any website page or the same page collection is displayed.

To configure how content is submitted navigate to omniContent \ Collections to manage your collection.

  1. Select Manage next to the collection you want to manage from options menu.
  2. Navigate to Pages section.
  3. Select Submit on the same page as a view  to submit content on the same page as collection view.
  4. Click Pick next to Submit on Page and select a page you want to submit your content.
  5. If you do not choose any of the above option, a default content submission page will be used.

Submit On The Same Page View

When you choose Submit on the same page as a view  to submit content on the same page as collection view, sidebar will open for user to enter a content for submission. 

Note: If user is logged in, user will be able to upload images, video, audio, documents, and if not, that ability is not allowed due to security issues.

Submit on Specific Page

If you configure to submit on a specific page, user will be redirected to that page for content submission..

Default Submission Page

Use default submission page when you do not want create a specific page for a content submission.