You can configure Omnibasis to create periodic statements for a loyalty card.

General Statement Settings

First, we need to configure the frequency of statements for all loyalty programs.

  1. Navigate to omniLoyalty \ Loyalty Setup \ Settings.
  2. Select Statements section to configure how often loyalty card statements are generated.
  3. Select Frequency and set optional Delay for a statement in days.
  4. Click Update to update settings.

Loyalty Program Statements

Next, we will configure a specific loyalty program statements.

  1. Navigate to omniLoyalty \ Loyalty Setup \ Loyalty Programs.
  2. Select Manage next to the loyalty program you want configure..
  3. Navigate to Configure section..
  4. Turn on Create Statements and click Save to update the program.

View Statements

If you turn on statement for a loyalty program, you will be able to see and manage loyalty statements.

  1. Navigate to omniLoyalty \ Loyalty Activity \ Loyalty Cards
  2. Next to the card, select options menu and click Statements.
  3. To view a specific statement, select options menu next to the statement and select View
  4. To send an email with a link, select Send Statement.