A/B testing campaigns test different versions of a email message or SMS to see how content changes can have an impact on your results. Choose what you want to test, like the subject line or content, and compare results to find out what works and what doesn't work for your audience.

Here are some common ways users learn from A/B Testing Campaigns:

  • What day of the week gets better open rates?
  • Does a subject line with an incentive or a teaser work best?
  • Does including your company name in your subject line increase engagement?
  • Is it better to use your name as the from name, or your company's name?
  • Does the time of day a campaign is sent affect the click rate?
  • Are recipients more likely to click a linked image or linked text?
  • Do recipients prefer a campaign that contains a animated GIF or one with static images?

Create an A/B testing campaign

A/B testing campaigns are built in a series of steps. You need to create variations of messages you want to send. Once messages are created, you will create a campaign and configure how and to whom those messages are sent. 

To create a new campaign, navigate to omniMarketer \ Campaigns and click Create from action menu at the top right corner. 

  1. Enter campaign Subject that is easy to remember.
  2. Select Automation type for this campaign of type Campaign. 
  3. Select Create notification if you to create a notification in target contact account with a content of the message. Learn more about Notifications.
  4. Enter the Labels to help you to identify and search for the campaign.

Campaign Messages

Navigate to Messages section to setup what messages you want to send. Messages can can be email, SMS or both.

  1. In Campaign Type select A/B Testing.
  2. Select Medium to use, like email, SMS or both.
  3. Optionally setup any Delay you want before sending this message
  4. Select a Message you want to use for a campaign. For a A/B Testing, you can setup as many messages as you want. 
  5. Select how you want to split your recipients in terms of percentage of total recipients.

Campaign Segmentation

Navigate to Segmentation section to configure your target contacts for this campaign.

  1. Select Campaign Target: Target Customers or Target Users. 
  2. Choose Loyalty Program to narrow down your target customers based on their loyalty status.
  3. Use Segmentation filter to narrow down the list of target contacts.

Note: not every Customer is also a user, User have created account on your website. Learn more about managing customers with omniCustomers.

  1. Use Advanced Filter to narrow down your selection.
  2. Once you filtered the list you can save it, click Use Filter.
  3. If you want to select specific contacts for the campaign, put a checkmark next to the contact and click Select.
  4. To select all contacts that fit your message requirements, click Select All.
  5. Please note, that emails will not be sent to users that are marked Bounced as illustrated with exclamation icon in the picture below.

Advanced Filters

  1. Use advanced filter to narrow down your selection.
  2. You can choose Audience, Consent, Permission, Organization Unit.

Campaign Statistics

Navigate to Statistics section to configure various campaign tracking options. If your message already has it configured, those configurations will be used. Here you can add to those configuration across all messages in your campaign.

You have a number of different options:

  1. Track email campaign totals, like a total number of emails sent, opened and unsubscribed. 
  2. Track every link click in the message.
  3. Create a user note with email message and track action taken by a user. 
  4.  Include the link to view message on your site. 
  5. Include the link to manage subscription to messages on your site.

Blockchain Integration

You can use Blockchain to track that message was opened. When contact opens a message or link is clicked, omniMarketer creates a blockchain record to record the action with details about when it was opened and from where.

Campaign Schedule

Navigate to Schedule section to manage your campaign schedule. You can schedule campaign right away or later, setting Date to send out

Schedule Campaign

When you ready and your date for campaign is set, click Schedule Campaign button.

Run Campaign

If you want to run campaign immediately, click Run Campaign  button.