Omnibasis is integrated with Google Maps to manage and display your resource location.

With map integration, you can:

  • Display a static map for the resource on resource detailed page
  • Use Map search to search for resources by location
  • Display a map of all resource locations

If you are hosting on Omnibasis with your own unique domain, you need configure Google Maps keys

To add location to your resource navigate to omniBookings \ Manage Resources \ Resources.

  1. Select a resource you want to manage and from options menu select Manage or create a new one.
  2. Select Location section.
  3. Enter location address and choose a matching location from a dropdown. Note: if you get a map error or no suggestions is displayed, you need to configure custom Google Maps keys.
  4. Select location will be loaded on the map. You can use a location pin to move it around to correct or adjust a precise location as needed.
  5. Click Update to update location or Save to save your resource and update location.