You can display product as part of a catalog or on a website page.

Steps below help you to configure to Display Product On a Specific Page

You can display product on a specific website page. To configure your product there are 2 steps:

  1. Configure Page to use Catalog.
  2. Connect Product to a specific page.

Step 1. Configure Page to use Catalog

To display on a specific page, navigate to omniSite \ Pages to manage your pages.

  1. Select Edit next to the page you want to use.
  2. Navigate to Info section.
  3. Select Catalog from Display Content From.

Step 2. Connect Product to a specific page

Now we can place a specific product on the page above.

To display on a specific page, navigate to omniCommerce \ Manage Catalog \ Products to manage your product.

  1. Select Manage next to the product you want to manage from options menu or click Create to create a new one.
  2. Navigate to Page section.
  3. Click Pick next to Display on Page and select a page you want to display your product on.

Page View

If you navigate to the selected page, you can see a product on that page.