Anything that can be sold is an auction listing.  In addition of creating one off auction, we support ability to connect and auction your existing products, resources or collections. 

Each auction has the following features:

  • Detail description and its own listing, that can be published on a specific page or part of the catalog
  • Media files: images, videos, audio files that visually present the resource.
  • It can be shared on social media or via email and sms
  • It can be reviewed
  • It can be sold via a simple one step buy now with an order checkout processes
  • It can be sold via best offer
  • It can be tracked on Blockchain

An auction listing refers to a detailed description or presentation of an item or items being offered for sale through an auction. It serves as an informational and promotional tool to attract potential bidders and provide them with essential details about the items available for bidding. Here's what is typically included in an auction listing:

1. Item description: The auction listing provides a thorough description of the item or items being auctioned. It includes relevant information such as the item's type, brand, model, condition, size, age, and any distinguishing features. The description aims to provide bidders with a clear understanding of what they are bidding on.

2. Images or visual representation: Auction listings often include high-quality images or visual representations of the item. These images allow bidders to visually inspect the item, assess its condition, and make more informed decisions. Multiple photos from different angles may be included to provide a comprehensive view of the item.

3. Starting price and bid increment: The listing typically specifies the starting price, which is the initial bid amount for the item. It may also mention the bid increment, which is the minimum amount by which bidders must increase their bids. This information helps bidders understand the pricing structure and how the bidding process will progress.

4. Auction details: The auction listing provides information about the auction itself, including the start and end times of the auction, any specific rules or conditions that apply, and the auction platform or location. It may also include important dates related to item inspection, preview sessions, or other relevant events.

5. Additional information: Depending on the item and the auction, the listing may include additional details, such as the item's history, provenance, certificates of authenticity, warranty information, shipping or delivery terms, and any associated fees or costs. This information provides bidders with a comprehensive understanding of the item and the terms of the auction.

6. Terms and conditions: The auction listing may outline the terms and conditions that apply to the auction. This includes important information regarding payment methods, buyer's premiums, any applicable taxes or fees, refund or return policies, and other contractual obligations for bidders.

The auction listing plays a crucial role in attracting potential bidders, providing them with the necessary information to evaluate the item and make informed bidding decisions. It aims to present the item in an appealing and transparent manner while outlining the auction's terms and conditions to ensure a fair and successful auction process.