The feature that allows for the inclusion of external CSS and JavaScript libraries into a site called "Service Providers".


This feature enables developers to easily include and manage external CSS and JavaScript libraries. This is crucial for enhancing the site's functionality, appearance, and user experience by leveraging third-party resources.

Key Components:

1. Library Management Interface:

   - Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard where developers can view and manage all included external libraries.

   - Add Library: A form that allows developers to add new external libraries by providing the URL of the CSS or JavaScript file.

   - Library List: A list displaying all included libraries with options to edit or remove them.

2. Library Inclusion:

   - URL Input: An input field to enter the URL of the external CSS or JavaScript file.

   - File Type Detection: Automatic detection of the file type (CSS or JavaScript) based on the URL or user selection.

   - Loading Options: Options to specify when and how the library should be loaded (e.g., synchronous, asynchronous, deferred).

3. Dependency Management:

   - Order of Inclusion: Ability to specify the order in which libraries should be included, ensuring dependencies are loaded correctly.

   - Version Control: Option to specify the version of the library to avoid conflicts and ensure compatibility.

4. Error Handling and Validation:

   - URL Validation: Check to ensure the provided URL is valid and accessible.

   - Conflict Detection: Notify the developer if a potential conflict with existing libraries is detected.

   - Error Messages: Informative error messages to help troubleshoot issues with library inclusion.

5. Security Measures:

   - Content Security Policy (CSP): Implementation of CSP to protect against injection attacks by restricting the sources from which content can be loaded.

   - Sanitization: Ensure that URLs are sanitized to prevent XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.