Use omniBooks accounts to manage and track financial transactions and rewards all in a single place. All of Omnibasis solutions are integrated with omniBooks accounts when it comes to financial transactions.

To create a new account:

  1. Navigate to omniBooks \ Ledger Accounts.
  2. Select Create from menu to create a new account.
  3. Use Configure section to configure account:
    1. Select Type. Each account has an account type which omniBooks uses to determine where the account appears in your financial reports. Some account types are used for specific purposes. 
    2. Give it a Name. Every account in omniBooks must have a name up to 256 characters.
    3. Optionally configure account parent using Sub-account of.
    4. Select Currency for this account. Note, if no currency is defined, you need to define your ledger currency first.
    5. Use Status to control if account is used or not. Because you cannot delete an account with transactions, set it to No Active if its not used anymore.
    6. If you can to create statements for this account, select Create Statements. Learn more about Statements.
  4. Use Details section to setup detailed rules for the account.
    • Learn about Enable payments to account option.
    • If you want all transactions to this account to be approved, turn on Require approval of new transactions
  5. Use Blockchain section to configure if you want account transaction data to be stored on the Blockchain.
  6. Use omniPass to connect this account with mobile wallet pass to keep the tab on account activities on the mobile phone.