Every customer has a history. Use notes to keep track of conversations and set reminders for yourself to follow up with your customer. When note is created, a summary of a note will appear on a customer timeline.

Notes can be shared with customer or remain private. 

When you use omniMarketer, a note for a customer can be created to keep a history of messages sent to a customer.

Notes are shared between a customer and a user record. If a customer does not have a user account on your website, that customer cannot access shared notes.

To view and manage all notes that are associated with customers visit omniCustomers \ Notes

Notes play a crucial role in various aspects of a business workflow, aiding in communication, organization, collaboration, and decision-making. Here's how notes are commonly used in a business context:

1. Meeting notes

During meetings, notes are taken to record key discussions, decisions, action items, and follow-up tasks. These notes help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that important details are not forgotten.

2. Project planning and management

Notes are used to outline project plans, timelines, milestones, and resource allocation. They also capture updates, progress reports, and any adjustments made during the project lifecycle. See omniWorks for more details.

3. Brainstorming and ideation

Notes are essential for documenting brainstorming sessions, creative ideas, and potential solutions to business challenges. These notes can later be refined into actionable plans.

4. Client communication

Notes help keep track of client interactions, preferences, and requirements. They can also include important details about ongoing projects or deliverables for reference. See omniCustomers for more details.

5. Task and to-do lists

Businesses use notes to create and manage task lists for teams and individuals. Notes can include task descriptions, deadlines, priorities, and status updates. See omniWorks for more details.

6. Research and market analysis

Notes are used to record findings from market research, competitor analysis, and customer surveys. These notes inform business strategies and decision-making. See omniMarketer for more details.

7. Training and onboarding

Notes aid in creating training materials, documenting processes, and providing step-by-step instructions for new employees during the onboarding process.

8. Strategic planning

Notes are used to capture strategic goals, objectives, SWOT analyses, and action plans. These notes guide long-term business development and growth.

9. Customer relationship management (CRM)

Notes are added to customer profiles to document interactions, preferences, purchase history, and any special considerations. This information helps enhance customer relationships. See omniCustomers for more details.

10. Financial documentation

Businesses use notes to keep track of financial transactions, expenses, invoices, and budgeting details. Notes can also include financial projections and forecasts. See omniBooks for more details.

11. Legal and compliance

Notes are used to document legal agreements, contracts, and compliance-related information. They serve as a record of legal discussions and decisions. See omniTrust for more details.

12. Marketing and content creation

Notes capture marketing strategies, content ideas, social media plans, and campaign details. They ensure consistent messaging and alignment with branding. See omniMarketer for more details.

13. Problem-solving and troubleshooting

Notes document troubleshooting steps, technical solutions, and lessons learned from technical issues or challenges. See omniContent for more details.

14. Employee performance and evaluations

Notes are used to track employee performance, achievements, and areas for improvement. They provide valuable insights for performance reviews and evaluations. See omniLoyalty for more details.

15. Supplier and vendor management

Notes include details about suppliers, vendors, and business partners, such as contact information, contracts, and terms of agreement. See omniMarketplace for more details.

16. Risk management

Notes document potential risks, mitigation strategies, and contingency plans to address unforeseen challenges that may arise in the business. See omniTrust for more details.

17. Innovation and R&D

Notes capture research findings, experimental data, and breakthrough ideas that drive innovation and product development. See omniWorks for more details.

18. Internal communication

Notes are used to share updates, announcements, and important information within the organization, ensuring effective communication among team members. See omniContent for more details.

With Omnibasis notes you can streamline business processes, foster collaboration, enhance decision-making, and serve as a valuable repository of information that contributes to the success and growth of a business.