Use notes to track any kind of interactions or information flow.
- Navigate to customer list at omniCustomers \ Customers.
- Navigate to users list at omniCustomers \ Users.
- Navigate to any Omnibasis product. You will find notes associated with Products, Resources, Bookings, Auctions, Vendors, Orders, etc.
Click options drop down next to a customer you want to update and select View to open customer details.
Notes List
- Select Notes section to see a list of notes or to create a new one.
- Click Create to create a note.
Create Note
- If you want to a use a predefined message to use for a body of the note, select that Message.
- Select Send to customer to send this note to the customer.
- Select Send to contacts in a workflow to send this note to the contacts in your workflow.
- Select Send Email to send via email. If your choose email, you can track customer email interaction with options:
- Track when email is open - track when customer opens your email.
- Track every link click in the message - track every link click in the message sent via email.
- Use Blockchain network to verify and store when email was opened - to store a record on blockchain when email was open.
- Select Send SMS to send via SMS.
- Select Create notification to create customer notification.
- Enter note Subject if any.
- If you do not want to use Email template, select Use HTML as email content - email note will be sent as is.
- Select Layout for your email template.
- Fill in any detailed description of the note itself by entering detailed Note if any.
- If you are sending SMS message, enter message under SMS Message.
- Optionally you can create a Task with this note. Task can have Start and End Dates, and Reminder.
- Select Notification, if you want to set yourself reminder. It is useful if you use a customer note to track your own tasks and activities for that customer. You can always configure to receive emails with every notification as well.
- If you want Notify others with this note, enter Notify emails and Notify phone numbers.
- Use Labels to help you group notes.
- You can attach a file or select existing for this note. If you are sending this note to a customer, a file will be sent as well.
- Click Save. If note to be sent out, it will be scheduled right away.