The information you collect about your customers and contacts can be inserted into your message with Data Tags. Use data tags to insert personalized or dynamic content from your contacts into the messages and campaigns you send.

How data tags work

Your Omnibasis contacts contains fields that refer to your contact's information and can be inserted into a message. Many customer fields corresponds to a unique data tag, which looks like a snippet of text wrapped in special characters, for example, for customer first name it is {FIRST_NAME}. When you insert a data tag into your message, the tag will be replaced with the content stored in the corresponding customer field before message is delivered.

For example, to include your contacts' first name in your email, you would place the {FIRST_NAME} data tag in your content where you want your contact's first name to appear. When your contact receives the message, they'll see their own first name where the data tag was placed.

Once the tag is replace it will appear in customer email.

Some data tags pull in URLs, which you can use to create hyperlinks with other content, such as text or images. When you link an image in your content with a data tag, you'll use the hyperlink tool to add the data tag in the linked URL. When your contacts click the linked image they'll be taken to the URL the data tag refers to, like page to update customer profile.

Types of data tags

Omnibasis offers two types of data tags to help you include contact content: system data tags and contact data tags. Typically, system data tags refer to the data in your Omnibasis account and customer data tags only refer to the information stored in your contact data.

System data tags can be used to include social sharing links, content feed links, and account information, or to translate your message. System data tags are also used to add unsubscribe, update profile, and forward links to your message.

Customer data tags pull your customer data into your message, like contact-specific information i.e. email address or first and last name.

Each time you send a message that uses data tags, the most recent data from your account or customer is queried to replace the data tag. Use a Data Tag Quick Reference for available Omnibasis data tags, including data tags for personalization, social sharing, and subject lines. If you do not see a data tag you need, drop us a note and we will added it for our next update.