Omnibasis offers data tags for all kinds of dynamic information. Paste a data tag into your message to add personalized or dynamic content. The following list outlines all of the tags available to you.

Note: your tag must not be broker by HTML, for example, this is an invalid tag {<b>FIRST_NAME}</b>. Make sure you check HTML source to validate your tags.

For more details on how to use merge tags in Omnibasis, take a look at our Personalize Message with Data Tags article.

Note: you want to make sure you data tags are not mingle with HTML. Use code view in HTML editor to verify it. Example of valid data tag is {BOOKING_START}, and example of invalid is {<span>BOOKING_START</span>}


Use these data tags to display customer information in your emails or default signup forms and response emails. The following list contains the most common data tags used for personalization.


Inserts your customer's first name if it's available.


Inserts your customer's last name if it's available.


Inserts your customer's email if it's available.


Inserts your customer's company name if it's available.


Inserts your customer's phone number if it's available.


Inserts your customer's mobile phone number if it's available.

Email Data Tags


Email title or header, used to call customer to attention. 


Email sub title, used to provide more context why customer should continue reading your email. 


Email content of the body, the main message details.


Email header, customizing what appears at the top of the main message.


Email footer, customizing what appears at the bottom of the email.

System Data Tags

System data tags can be used to include social sharing links, content feed links, and account information, or to translate your message. System data tags are also used to add unsubscribe, update profile, and forward links to your message.


Inserts your company business name or organization.


Inserts your company application URL on Omnibasis. You can always configure your business name and url. Learn how to Set up a custom domain and FREE SSL certificate on Omnibasis.


Inserts your company logo URL on Omnibasis. You can always configure your logo. Learn how to How to manage site appearance on Omnibasis.


Inserts your application URL to manage preferences for users and customers. Learn more about Preferences with omniTrust. For example, the tag will be replaced with link with default translation for user language preference for "Please click the link to manage subscription".

Commerce Data Tags


Inserts link to return to a shopping cart on your site. Learn more about Ecommerce Campaign for Abandoned Checkout.

Project & Task Data Tags


Inserts project name.


Inserts project  task start date.


Inserts project task start date and time only if available.


Inserts project task end date.


Inserts project task end date and time.


Inserts project task subject if any.


Inserts project task status.

Booking Data Tags


Inserts booking start date.


Inserts booking start date and time only if available.


Inserts booking end date.


Inserts booking end date and time.


Inserts booking subject if any.


Inserts booking status.


Inserts booking channel name if booking came via a channel import.

Resource Data Tags


Inserts resource name.


Inserts resource identifier if any.

Note Data Tags


Inserts a link to a note to view on your site.

Order Data Tags


Inserts order id.


Inserts order status


Inserts order date


Inserts order total amount


Inserts order total amount in points


Inserts order balance amount


Inserts order balance points


Inserts order paid amount


Inserts order paid points


Inserts order refund amount


Inserts order refund points

Document Signature Data Tags


Inserts document id.


Inserts document status.


Inserts document name title.


Inserts document recipient instructions.


Inserts document recipient signature required by date.


Inserts document recipient signature status.


Inserts document recipient name.


Inserts document recipient surname/lastname.


Inserts a link to view and sign document on your site.

Mobile Wallet Data Tags


Link to view or download customer mobile wallet.


Link with <a> anchor and words 'Click to View ' to view or download customer mobile wallet.


Link to create customer mobile wallet.


Link with <a> anchor and words 'Click to Create' to create customer mobile wallet.

Custom Fields Data Tags

You can define custom fields keys and use them in messages. You key will be used in upper case with brackets.

For example, if you defined a custom field key customer_dog_name, you can use {CUSTOMER_DOG_NAME} tag to use a value of custom field.