Shipping profiles help you to charge an accurate shipping rate based on a product specific shipping rule. You can use shipping profiles to set shipping rates for specific products, and charge different amounts based on where you're shipping your products to and from. You can add products that should share shipping rates to a shipping profile, and then set up shipping zones and rates for each location that fulfills those products.

We recommend you to use two different shipping profiles. A default profile for all your orders when placed by a customer, and shipping manage profile that is used by your fulfillment center to generate shipping labels.

To make the most out of using shipping profiles, make sure you understand how Shipping Zones and Shipping Rates work and how best to use them for your business.

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Shipping \ Shipping Profiles to manage shipping profiles.

Note: If you do not use Omnibasis to generate shipping labels you do not need internal admin profile, all you need is default shipping profile.

Default Shipping Profile

You can use your default shipping profile to create the default settings for your shipping. If a product or variant isn't in a specific custom profile, then it uses the shipping rates in your default shipping profile.

You can set your default shipping profile by creating Shipping Zones and adding Shipping Rates to them.

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Shipping \ Shipping Profiles and click Create.

Info section

  1. Enter descriptive name for this shipping profile.
  2. Select Default if you want this profile to be used by default for all products that are not associated with a specific shipping profile.
  3. Select Only for use by administrator if you want to use this profile only by administrators to create shipping labels.
  4. Click Save.

Shipping Maps

Navigate to Shipping maps section. Shipping maps help you to associated the rate with a location your shipping from and shipping zone you are shipping to. In the example below, we have a default shipping location in New Hampshire, and we configured shipping map for 3 different zones. In case of United States, we offer two shipping rates.

  1. To add new shipping map, click Create.
  2. To edit existing shipping map, select Edit from options dropdown.

Create or Edit Shipping Map

  1. Click Create to create a new shipping map.
  2. Select From Shipping Location - where you are shipping from.
  3. Select To Shipping Zone - where you are shipping to.
  4. Select Shipping Rate that will be applied for the order that matches this shipping map.

Admin Shipping Profile

You can use your admin shipping profile to create the default settings for your fulfillment. It will be used when fulfillment needs to generate the label. Admin shipping profile will not be applied at user checkout, and only will be used when shipping rates are looked up for order package.

You can set your admin shipping profile by creating Shipping Zones and adding Shipping Rates to them.