Omnibasis provides default sales tax rates. If you use the Omnibasis rates, then you need to confirm that they are current and correct for your particular circumstances. You can override them whenever necessary. If you find an error, please let us know.

Omnibasis doesn’t file or remit your sales taxes for you. You might need to register your business with your local or federal tax authority to handle your sales tax. The calculations and reports that Omnibasis provides should help make things easier when it’s time to file and pay your taxes.

To see default Omnibasis Tax Rates, navigate to omniCommerce \ Commerce Settings \ Taxes \ Omnibasis Tax Rates.

  1. In search field, enter the country code, zip code, city, or region to see a tax rate for that area and click Search Icon. For example, 92101 is a zipcode for San Diego Downtown. 
  2. Tax Name and description will show tax locale and if charge is based on origin location or customer address, and if shipping is taxed.
  3. You can override any tax rate, using manual tax override.