Getting Started with User Data Privacy

omniTrust is Omnibasis's consent management platform that enables businesses and professionals, large and small, to protect customer personal data. Using omniTrust, we enable businesses with the technology and tools to deploy cloud-based permission, consent and preferences management, without the costs and challenges associated with building and maintaining their own infrastructure and compliance management.

Reach your GDPR and Privacy Laws compliance in less than 10 minutes
Create your consent and privacy notice Use our consent and privacy creator to create, distribute and collect your customer consents. You can use your own b...
Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 at 8:55 AM
What Does GDPR Mean For Your Business?
New GDPR laws create much stricter rules for getting and managing user consent on organizations and businesses regardless of their size. Here are a few ques...
Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 at 8:56 AM
Simple Guide to GDPR laws and regulations
Regardless whether your company is located in Europe or any place else, like the United States, Canada, and anywhere else in the world, if your company size...
Wed, 8 Jul, 2020 at 8:57 AM