You can track your sales and inventory expenses with omniBooks

Learn more on how create accounts in omniBooks.

omniBooks tracks the quantity of items you have available to sell using two specific chart of accounts:

  • Inventory Asset AccountomniBooks uses the account type Inventory to manage tracked inventory. You can only select accounts with asset account type when creating tracked inventory items. Learn more about tracking inventory assets.
  • Costs of Goods Sold AccountomniBooks uses this account to track the cost of goods sold (COGS) for the tracked inventory items. You could use an expense account type for your COGS account and need to configure it on products pricing.

Navigate to the product you want to manage from omniCommerce \ Manage Catalog \ Products, select Manage next the product from the drop down option menu.

  1. Select Pricing Rules section.
  2. Click Create new pricing rule to create a new rule.
  3. Select Edit from dropdown action menu next to the status on the list to edit an existing rule.

Sales Information

In Pricing Rule, navigate to Sales Information section to connect the sales of the product with this rule to a specific omniBooks Account.

When Pricing Rule is synced to the omniBooks, every time the order is completed with this Pricing Rule, the corresponding Ledger Account will have a transaction with information about this order and link to the order.

Expense Information

In Pricing Rule, navigate to Expense Information section to connect the sale of the product to a specific omniBooks Account. Your product Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) can be configured here and associated with a specific ledger account, like COGS.

When Pricing Rule is used in sales of this production and the order is completed with this Pricing Rule, the corresponding Ledger Account will have a transaction with information about this order and link to the order.