When customer adds an item to the cart, a new order is created if one already does not exist. A new order status is set to Draft. If customer changes their mind and leave your site a checkout process is abandoned.

Abandoned checkouts are saved on Omnibasis forever, unless you configure to delete them earlier. Learn how to configure default number of days.

Review your abandoned checkouts

You can review your abandoned checkouts to find patterns that might suggest why your customers aren't completing orders.

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Manage Orders \ Orders.

  1. Select Draft - order in progress from a filter menu.
  2. Click filter button to filter a list of Draft orders.

Note: You can export abandoned checkouts once you filter them using Export action menu from top right corner.

Manually email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout

You can manually email a customer a link to their abandoned cart so that they can complete their checkout if they choose.

Navigate to omniCommerce \ Manage Orders \ Orders.

  1. Filter abandoned orders.
  2. Select drop down options next to the order and click Send Cart.

Note: The cart recovery link can be copy pasted into any email if you want to send a completely customized email yourself. Select View cart link to access a direct link to customer cart.

Automatically email a customer a link to their abandoned checkout

You can automatically send an email to customers after they have abandoned their checkout. Each email contains a link to the customer's abandoned cart, allowing them to complete their checkout if they choose.

Learn how to configure Ecommerce Campaign for Abandoned Checkout.

Tip: A great way to entice customers to complete their checkout is to offer them a discount.

Once email is sent to a customer, a bell icon will appear next to the order to let you know that customer was reminded.